Sunnybrook Montessori School

Montessori preschool & kindergarten in New Hampshire's North Country

February 14-17th

On Tuesday we celebrated Valentine’s Day with a card swap and yummy cupcakes. The children also enjoyed making “Love Bugs” and heart shaped crayons. The heart shaped crayons were a huge hit. The children LOVED this activity and they came out great. Each one was unique and beautiful.

Directions for activity if you want to try at home:

Peel/break up old crayons

Place in silicone baking tray (6-8 crayons each)

Cook in oven @ 230 degrees for about 15 minutes (or until crayons have completely melted)

Let cool (we put ours outside to speed this process up) and the crayons will easily pop out!

This week we enjoyed singing “Skidamarink” and “Tony Chestnut”. We also had a lot of fun listening to the William Tell story/music on Thursday, retelling it with the felt board and acting it out.

Stories we enjoyed this week included: Ten Little Ducks, Brown Bear, Brown Bear, The Very Quiet Cricket, Puff the Magic Dragon, The Art Lesson and Owl Moon. We are getting very good at identifying what an author does and what an illustrator does. Ask your child and see if they can remember! Also when your reading with them have them show you where the title page is in their books.

Work time was very busy this week! Many of our younger children worked on identifying and writing their names. We have been busy counting 1-10 and working on longest/shortest with the Red Rods and the Number Rods. We’ve also been working on rhyming, phonetic sounds, geometric shapes, pouring, scooping, sorting and making beautiful play dough creations.

Kindergarten has been busy reading, building/writing words, playing the Bank Game with the bead material, doing the Long Chains, working on telling time and making a class graph of our favorite Goldfish crackers. We had every child (and teacher!) sample regular flavor, rainbow and pizza flavored Goldfish. We tallied up the votes and made a graph. I believe pizza flavor was the winner, although it was close!


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