What a week! We began with snow and ended in shorts and flip-flops. We spent as much time outside as possible, as the weather has been so fickle this spring that we just had to enjoy the warmth and sunshine while we had it. The children were very busy kicking and bouncing on balls, having ball battles, playing baseball, pumping up deflated balls, digging trenches, sailing in sinking boats, parenting, being babies, hanging out chatting, observing beetles and worms, and enjoying outside lunches.
On Monday we took a trip to the Weeks Medical Center Hospital where we met several health professionals. We learned about getting an X-ray, we met the nurses in the Emergency Room and learned about how we might be taken care of if we need to come to the hospital for an emergency, and we toured the ambulance. All of the attendees were given a snack to take and an activity book (if your child attended but did not get an activity book, please grab one from the top of the filing cabinet).
At the art table the children had a lot of fun making frogs out of paper towel tubes. They stapled one end together, then painted the outside green and the inside red. When they were dry, they glued on eyes, legs, and a tongue.
This week we delved further into weather, what causes weather, who helps predict the weather, and what types of weather we could experience. We had a lengthy discussion with lots of information shared by many of the students. We discussed storms, including hail storms, tornadoes, blizzards, wind sheers, and thunderstorms, and how people stay safe if we experience a storm. We learned about wind and that it is created when hot air and cold air meet, and the updrafts and downdrafts push against each other.
On Wednesday we had a special visitor. Sue’s granddaughter, Mersadies, came to school with her and the children LOVED showing her around and having her play and draw with them.
We also had a special visitor on Thursday. Eeyore came with Believe in Books. We heard a story about a talent show in the Hundred Acre Wood, and how all of the friends performed different talents, even Eeyore. Everyone was excited to give Eeyore a hug, high five, fist bump, or wave and pick a book of their very own to take home.
For Friday science we read even more about wind then the students made weather-vanes to test wind direction. It was quite calm out, so we were wondering if we would get a chance to test them. Luckily by recess time the wind had picked up and we used our weather-vanes to observe that the wind was coming from the north west.
Books we read:
A Hungry Lion or A Dwindling Assortment of Animals by, Lucy Ruth Cummins
Edwina, the Dinosaur Who Didn’t Know She Was Extinct by, Mo Willems
Lilly’s Purple Plastic Purse by, Kevin Henkes
Winnie the Pooh by, A. A. Milne
Weather by, Kristin Bair Rattini
Where Is the Green Sheep? By, Mem Fox
My Friend Rabbit by, Eric Rohmann
Feel the Wind by, Arthur Dorros