What a glorious week! We spent hours outside each day enjoying the mud and the sunshine. It looks like our mud holes are starting to dry up, so we will miss them, though I am guessing you won’t! There sure were some dirty kids the past two weeks.
For Monday art we once again attempted to create some flowers for the Fundraiser Breakfast on Saturday, and then throughout the week. There was not much interest, but lots of little green people had fun cutting and taping strips for shamrock headbands with Sue on St. Patrick’s Day.
We arrived on Tuesday to news that the first two mushers had finished the Iditarod. Dallas Seavey arrived in Nome first, in a record breaking 8 days 11 hours, and his father Mitch took second place 45 minutes later.
We learned about Saint Patrick’s Day – who it honors and how it is celebrated. We talked about leprechauns and how if you catch one, you get to keep his gold. When we got to school on Thursday, we discovered that a leprechaun had visited our classroom. We followed his footprints all over the classroom. During morning meeting we came up with a plan for searching for the gold. The students decided to split up. One group went to check out the double doors where the footprints led, and the other group decided to follow the footprints back and check along the trail to see if he had dropped it. The second group discovered it buried in a bin of paper. Everyone gathered to help count it and watch it get sorted, then enjoyed eating their 3 chocolate coins.
During circle time we did some ribbon dancing to lively music.
Some Books we read:
St. Patricks Day by, Gail Gibbons
Clever Tom and the Leprechaun by, Linda Shute
Songs we learned: