Sun, clouds, wind, frost, rain, snow, puddles and mud – we had it all this week! We realized how much we value that active outside time after being stuck inside for two days of recess time, though the children did enjoy the variety of rainy day activities.
For Monday art the students used the centrifugal force created by a salad spinner to create art. They dripped paint drops on coffee filters, then placed them in the salad spinner. When they pumped it, the paint pulled out to the edges, creating triangular lines of color.
The art table was very busy during the week, while each of the children worked to create a top secret holiday gift for their families. It will be exciting to see them all displayed together the night of the winter performance to appreciate the variety between them.
Gerrie Scott joined us for a story on Monday. Unfortunately, I cannot remember the title of it!
Our circle times have been dedicated to preparing for the winter performance. The children will be singing 4 songs and reciting one poem, and they are quickly mastering them. The Monday & Friday students will be putting on a skit, which they had a lot of fun practicing.
On Wednesday morning we had a special visitor. The children were excited to welcome Dr. Tarkleson, who introduced the instruments that she uses when examining patients, and demonstrated how to use each one. Everyone was very excited to have a turn with the stethoscopes, otoscope, and sphygmomanometer. They also had fun dressing up in Dr. Tarkleson’s white coats and surgery caps and using their own individual tongue depressors and syringes. Thank you Dr. Tarkleson! It was a lot of fun and there were a LOT of “immunizations” given this week to keep us healthy!
The afternoon students walked the donated food over to the food pantry on Wednesday after lunch. Each child carried a bag all the way over, into the church, and down to the room where donations are accepted. The volunteers were very thankful.
Friday students have been learning about matter this year, and this week we began to explore water. We read several books about water then did a sink/float experiment. Each child chose three items from around the classroom to test. We observed that the wooden items floated, while rocks, hard plastic, and metal items sank.
Some books we read throughout the week:
Trouble with Trolls by Jan Brett
Frosty the Snowman by Annie North Bedford
The Grinch Who Stole Christmas by Dr. Seuss
The Mitten: An Old Ukranian Folktale by Alvin Tresselt
Water Is Water by Miranda Paul
National Geographic Readers: Water
Who Sank the Boat by Pamela Allen
Songs we have been singing:
If You’re Happy and You Know It
Jingle Bells
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
The Peace Round
This Little Light of Mine
It Snowed Last Night