Sunnybrook Montessori School

Montessori preschool & kindergarten in New Hampshire's North Country

November 8th-10th

This week we read another Stone Soup story by Jon Muth. This one is set in China, and three monks pass through a village and teach the villagers how to work together and make a feast fit for a king. We also read Growing Vegetable Soup and A Turkey for Thanksgiving. During music we have been singing, “Over the River and Through the Woods” with our bells and enjoying a new movement song that requires lots of different fast movements like clapping hands, laying down, jumping up, stomping feet, jumping and blowing kisses!

An important part in all our Stone Soup stories is finding a big pot to make the soup in. On Thursday, everyone enjoyed making clay pots which we will paint this coming week. It was interesting to see the different ways the children went about sculpting their pots, but they all came out great!

On Wednesday our 3 year old students worked with the geometry cabinet and looked for triangles, rectangles, squares and circles in the classroom. We also made squares, rectangles and triangles from Popsicle sticks. Our 3 year olds are also working on recognizing and beginning to trace/write their names. Our older students have been busy recognizing sight words, building and reading cvc words and doing many math exercises. Kindergarten has been enjoying studying about the solar system. On Thursday we read books about the sun, the planets, the earth and the moon and recorded some facts in our journals.

During the months of November and December, Sunnybrook will be collecting food for the NH food bank. We ask that you bring in a non-perishable item to donate when you bring in your vegetable for Stone Soup. We will place a box in the back room if you have other donations throughout the next couple months.

Stone Soup: Please bring in one vegetable on Tuesday, November 22nd that your child can help prepare for Stone Soup. Stone Soup day is Wednesday, November 23rd. School closes at noon.

Parent/Teacher Conferences: Conferences will take place this Friday the 18th. Please sign up for a time slot on the bulletin board in the back room.




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