Sunnybrook Montessori School

Montessori preschool & kindergarten in New Hampshire's North Country

Ladybug Ladybug Fly Away Home

34 - tag under the apple tree

Tag on the apple petal carpet

The spring rain this week so nicely avoided falling during recess, allowing us to spend much needed time outside running, jumping rope, digging, and playing.  Some of the children have really been working hard to master rope jumping.  After only two weeks, we have several students that have figured out the timing to jump just as the rope comes toward them, and some others that can jump almost ten times with the rope going all the way over before missing.  It has been exciting to watch them work hard practicing these skills.

Students were busy doing lots of work this week.  Some of them chose items that they had not yet used this year.

Left Right Center Game

Left Right Center Game



Taking Notes

Taking Notes

Teen Board

Teen Board

Rhyming Puzzle

Rhyming Puzzle

Hundred Board

Hundred Board







Number Sorting Tray

Number Sorting Tray

Movable Alphabet

Movable Alphabet

Reading in the Quiet House

Reading in the Quiet House

Parachute and Ball Cooperation Game

Parachute and Ball Cooperation Game

We spent a lot of time this week doing cooperative games and activities.  Some students worked together to create a drawing, where one student gave directions about what to draw, and the other student did the drawing.  They took turns being the director and the artist so they could experience what the other child was feeling.  Another game that Tammy led was a parachute game where the group worked together to keep the ball on the parachute or bounce it off.   We also worked together when leaving circle.  Students walked backwards while holding hands with a partner.  They worked together to keep each other safe, going slowly and avoiding shelves and chairs.

We have been practicing the songs for our last day performance, and are looking forward to singing them all for you.

Ladybug Artwork

Ladybug Artwork

At the art table the children found some red circles, black dots, and wavy green paper.  Many of them created ladybug art, which are displayed on our classroom wall. On Wednesday Zeanny did a color wicking experiment with some of the children.  They colored on coffee filters then placed a wet filter up through the center, and as it wet the color it pulled it out so you could see the colors that combined to make it.

Wicking Colors

Wicking Colors



During Spanish we practiced many of the songs that we learned throughout the year, and reviewed some animal names.  Zeanny read Mi Abuela va al Mercado about an Abuela (grandmother) who travels the world on a flying carpet collecting items from each country to bring back to her granddaughter in Peru.

Mi Abuela Va Al Mercado

Mi Abuela Va Al Mercado

Making the Hovercrafts

Making the Hovercrafts

Friday students were excited to make hovercrafts with CD’s, balloons, and pop top covers.  They floated right across the table when we pushed them.  Gerrie Scott read April and Esme Tooth Fairies, about two young tooth fairy sisters who collect their first tooth ever.  The weather was a lot cooler but we had fun playing tag and jumping rope before we went in to work for the afternoon.  At the end of the day they just had to make an obstacle course, so once again the tables and chairs were rearranged, and they had fun doing the circuit – balancing, jumping, crawling, writing their names, and building a puzzle.

Happy Memorial Day Weekend!

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