Sunnybrook Montessori School

Montessori preschool & kindergarten in New Hampshire's North Country

May 17, 2019
by admin


We have been making the best of the cool, cloudy days, spending as much time outside as possible.  The children have been actively engaged digging, running, pretending, hopping, pedaling, chasing, driving, investigating, kicking, pulling, balancing, climbing, jumping, and exploring.

wormson the stumpall dressed upworkingsleeping timehopping girltruck raceshome sweet homewheelsbalancingshadespullingbusy kidsin the tunnelthe biker gang

Monday students read about the painter Jackson Pollock, who made enormous dribble and splatter paintings in his old barn using house paint.  We did Pollockesque painting outside, dripping and splattering paint on large pieces of paper.  red splatters
pink and purple

The kindergarten students began work on graphing the recycling collected over the past 15 weeks of school.  They will present their findings on the last day during the Performance/Kindergarten graduation.  We are preparing for our field trip to the transfer station next Wednesday, when we will take all the recyclables to drop off.

sorting and counting recyclablesgathering information from the recyclables chartsmaking a line graphgraphingcounting and graphinggluing the background paper to the graphchecking the bar graphcoloring, cutting, & tapingplay dough & magnetsafternoon workhow many decorations on the tree?busy restaurantplay doughalphabet go fishlight to darkknot counting ropesreading his geology book100 boardmorning workgreen spotswork with Susanplay doughblock towerspaintingalphabet bingonumber scrollsaddition & pin punchingprincess puzzleusing the allen wrenchunderneath the streetnumber workmarble sortingnumber writing & addition workRivers Roads and Railsmagnetscutting

The children continued to rehearse and prepare for our performance, singing the songs, painting the trains for the Little Engine That Could, and finalizing the scripts for the two plays.

paintingpreparing for The Little Red Henpainting engines & the red cabooseThe shiny new enginereviewing The Little Engine That Couldspectators observing the Little Engine that Could rehearsal

We celebrated three birthdays this week, a fifth birthday and two fourth birthdays!  Each birthday girl brought a special birthday treat to share.  The five-year old brought white cupcakes with blue sprinkled frosting, one four-year old brought fruit cups, and the other brought pink frosted cupcakes.  All the birthday girls orbited the sun with the globe while we counted out their years.  Happy birthday friends!

birthday girlorbiting the sun 4 times
5 years old

yummy fruit!
blue sprinkle cupcakescupcakes and fruitorbiting the sun four times with mom and sister

We read The Man Who Didn’t Wash His Dishes, and recalled the story from last week, Keeping House, about cleaning up.  We talked about spring cleaning, and what that entails, such as washing windows we were unable to wash all winter, and opening them up to air out the house.  We learned that a long time ago, before vacuums, spring cleaning meant taking out the rugs that had only been swept all winter and beating out the dirt.  The children were very excited to get busy cleaning.  They removed items from the shelves and wiped them down, stacked up books from the book case and dusted it out, scrubbed the walls, chairs, floors, chalk boards, easel, and cubbies. 

scrubbing down the chalk boardcleaning inside the quiet housewiping off paintwashing the shelfscrubbing upcleaning the cubbies

The children attached the front of their bird houses with Mr. Bond, working hard to screw in the four screws to hold it on.

drilling out the entrance



first screw

righty tighty

last screwWe transplanted our bean plants into peat pots to take home. The children added some soil, then we gently placed their seedlings into the pots before patting more soil around them and giving them some water to drink.the bean is growing
transplantingsee my bean
writing his name
adding soil
patting down the soil

We had a special visitor on Thursday.  Nancy Gray came to read several stories to us.  She began with Corduroy by Don Freeman, then Cat in the Hat, Caps for Sale, The Hat, and Cows in Paris.  The children really enjoyed listening to her stories. Thank you, Nancy!

CorduroyCaps for Salestories

Friday students did some bird nest studies.  First we read a couple of stories, Nest and Mama Built a Little Nest, then we watched two videos of birds building nests, first a weaver bird, who weaves stalks of grass together to form a pouch for his mate, then a robin, who collects grasses, mud, etc., pushing it out and smoothing it round with its’ feet.  We then examined a robin’s nest with an egg in it that had fallen in Lyn’s barn and the egg got a crack.  We observed that it was made with grasses, birch bark, string, small sticks, and mud, which helped to stick it to the wall to keep from falling.  We then went out and collected sticks to build our own giant nest.  Finally we played a bird call game.  The children formed pairs or triads and came up with a bird call for their group.  One or two birds were then blindfolded, and the other partner ran to hide on the playground.  The bird that was hiding made their bird call, and the blindfolded partner(s) identified their bird call and slowly walked toward the sound until they located their partner.  It was a bit tricky, but lots of fun!

forming a circleassembling sticksbuilding the nestbirds in the nestwhere are you?listening and following their bird callsfound her bird partnerthe bird on her egg

May 10, 2019
by admin

Chasing Spring

The sunshine took turns with the clouds and rain again, but those glorious warm sunny days were put to good use, spending lots of time outdoors, including snack and lunch some days! We played chase, rode bikes, hopped on balls, dug in the sandbox, searched for worms and insects, played restaurant, and played pass. One of the favorite activities is exploring the environment to see what living things we can find and examine.finding worms
Any creepy crawlies under there?

hoods and boots

sand play

balancing on the sand box

hoppy balls

bare feet weather

riding, running, and hopping

trucks in the garage

balls to bury

the gathering spot
Monday students took their art project outside before heading to the library for their final visit of the year. They combined shaving cream, glue, and liquid water color to create a puffy paint for finger painting, then got to work glopping and smooshing it all over their papers to create puffy pictures.puff paint
blue and purple

splatter splat

green fingers
The children made special envelops to wrap their mother’s day gifts at the art table. They asked when they could give their gifts to their moms, and decided that they could make the decision with their moms. Many of them were anxious to give their gifts so they could have a turn wearing envelop for mom
folding it up
We kept a close eye on our beans throughout the week, and were thrilled to see them go from just split open to plants with roots, stems, and leaves!looking at the bean growth
They have roots and stems!

roots, stems, and leaves
We read some stories about doing hard things and working through challenges. We read I Can’t Said the Ant and the ever inspiring Emanuel’s Dream, about a boy born in Ghana with only one full leg. He hopped to school on his one good leg 2 miles each way, earned money to buy a soccer ball so his peers would include him, and taught himself to ride a bike. He left home to get a job in the city at the age of 13 to help care for his family when his mother fell ill. He became famous when he decided to ride around Ghana on a bike to raise awareness of disabilities and show that those with disabilities were capable of great things.

Wednesday woodworking took some muscle this week! The children worked with Mr. Bond to use the hand crank drill to cut the entrance hole in the front of the bird house. That required a lot of strength and coordination! The children were so proud of their hard work!drilling out the hole
turning the handle

taking out the hole

around and around

watching how it's done

the hole
State Police Officer Lyon and Amos the police dog visited on Wednesday. Before they arrived, we read a book about police officers and the story Officer Buckle and Gloria, about a law enforcement team who worked together to deliver safety tips to local schools. Officer Lyon introduced Amos, who is a 2 ½ year old Black Mouth Cur. Officer Lyon went to school to learn how to train Amos, and has worked with him since he was only a few months old. Amos was trained to work for his food, and responds to Officer Lyons commands, which he speaks in Dutch to avoid confusing Amos. Amos’ job is to locate people. Officer Lyon explained that humans have a distinct scent, and Amos is trained to track them using his extraordinary scenting skills. Amos and Officer Lyon have worked together to find over 20 people in the past two years. It was fun to see Amos follow commands to jump up and touch Officer Lyon’s hand, jump over the table, run through the tunnel, dance between Officer Lyon’s legs, and twirl around. When it was time to greet and pat Amos, the children were quite excited and they all started playing chase together. Thank you so much Officer Lyon and Amos!Welcoming Officer Lyon and Amos

dancing between legs

food for work

We read some stories about bicycles, being kind, and forgiveness. We read The Remarkable Riderless Runaway Tricycle and Desmond and the Very Mean Word, about Desmond Tutu when he was a young boy and how he learned to forgive.There were ten in the bed and the little one said, "Roll Over! Roll Over!"During Music with Susan the children practiced the train rhythm for our end of year performance, taking turns with the instruments to create the chugga, chugga, chugga, chugga and choo-choo sounds. First we practiced walking slowly, then gradually faster to “I think I can, I think I can, I think I can” then practiced with the instruments.
Planning for the Little Red Hen
another Frozen puzzle

water work

grinchy green

Elsa and Anna

matching words

painting with two hands

trinomial cube

6, 7, 8

100 board

tasty taco


play dough

cooks in the kitchen

water table

a whole feast and some lovely flowers for the table

reading to a friend


wooden word cards

inspired by a friend

more word work

afternoon work

The very busy spider

spoons on magnets on a pole

green play dough

pin punching and magnets

more word matching work

that will be $10 please

reading with Tammy

sweeping up

spooning transfer

magnet people tower

green play dough

pin punching

magnet people

number work

Friday students learned about sound and sound waves. We first read The Quiet Book and The Loud Book, then placed our hands on the ground to feel the vibrations created by the speaker when a song was played. We took off our socks and slippers and felt the vibrations with our feet, and placed our hands directly on the speaker to feel the vibrations. We also watched sand on top of a dish dance and move to the vibrations of the music before making our own vibrations with the big drum.
watching sand dance

feeling the sound vibrations

watching sand dance

making big vibrations

flashlight hide and seek

inside recess ribbon dancing

ribbon dancing

May 3, 2019
by admin

It’s Cool to be Kind

storiesThis week has been such a joyful week at Sunnybrook. We have observed and marveled as the children negotiate disagreements independently, help and assist each other, recognize and respond to others emotions, work through struggles and challenges, care for our classroom, share their observations and knowledge, listen attentively and engage in conversations, and happily work together. This has been one of those weeks where we see how their efforts and challenges helped them grow and develop so many new skills and understandings!Look!
stump walking
We are hoping all these May showers will bring June flowers, since May is looking quite soggy so far with no flowers in sight. Despite the clouds and rain, we have been spending as much time outside as possible expending some of that winter energy. The bikes, wheelbarrows, trucks, hoppy balls, shovels, rakes, and buckets have been put to good use this week. Scientists have been excitedly searching out and observing signs of spring, including worms and a variety of insects. The trees are beginning to bud and we are hoping the grass will soon grow green.a wheelbarrow full of water
digging in the dirt

scooping water

At the drive through

worm hunters

a big worm


snuggled into their house

grubs under the log

filled and ready to go

balancing on logs
gardeningMonday students created geometric artwork by sticking lines of tape onto a piece of mat board, then using pastels or water colors to color in the spaces in between. When they were satisfied with their coverage, they removed the tape, leaving white lines to separate the spaces of bold colors.water colors
attaching the tape

removing the tape

careful painting

mixing paint

geometric art
At the art table the children made a small gift for Mother’s Day, then we took out sticky glitter foam sheets, which the children cut into shapes and made glitter collages.glitter collage
a blue princess

designing, cutting, and sticking
The sensory table was once again filled with water and lots of pouring and scrubbing toys for water play. It was a very busy area, and everyone worked together to fill the table, clean up spills, take turns with tools, drain the water table, and clean up the tools.water play
water wheel teamwork


scooping and pouring

water spinning
Dramatic play was busy with chefs, bakers, servers, and diners enjoying their various roles in the Sunnybrook restaurant and bakery.May I take your order, please?
"Todays Specials"

setting the table

yummy sushi!

What is in the oven?

a tasty sandwich
In preparation for our end of year performance, we reread the story of The Little Engine That Could and several versions of The Little Red Hen. Each child chose one of the two performances to participate in, and those in The Little Engine That Could met with Susan to choose roles and begin work on the script for the performance.The Little Engine That Could planning meetingOn Wednesday morning we had a visit from some chicks that are 4 weeks old, twice as old as the chicks we hatched. It is amazing how big they are at 4 weeks! We got to meet a blue cochin, an americana, a buff orpington, and a brahma. Thank you Greneir family for sharing your chicken family with us!a blue cochin
the buff orpington
The students worked with Mr. Bond to attach another section of the bird house – only a few more to go until they are finished!righty tighty
the dancing woodworker

we will put the screw right here

the next part

turn like this
We read the stories Zero by Kathryn Otashi and You’re Mean, Lilly Jean, and discussed some things that good friends do (and don’t do). We read about some strategies one can use to be a good friend, such as offering help, then listening and responding appropriately to a “yes, please” or “no, thank you,” inviting a friend to play, taking turns with materials by asking, “May I have a turn when you are done?,” noticing someone and commenting on a positive observation you have made about them, offering a hug for comfort when someone may seem to need one, or suggesting a play idea then letting everyone decide for themselves what role they want to
making a heart

number scrolls

block village

watermelon math

white seeds + black seeds = all the seeds

ten board

hammering and jar opening

North America puzzle map

continent pin punching & reading with Susan

red and pink

washing up

reading to some friends

slime time

sticky slime

table washing

big and small cylinder columns surrounded by traffic signs
Zeanny did a combination Spanish and health lesson with us on Thursday morning. We sang several of our Spanish songs, then she reminded us about the super powers of fruits & vegetables to keep us healthy, dairy foods to make our bones grow strong and tall, and grains to give us energy. She then shared that there are some foods, such as meat and beans, that give us protein for strong muscles. She read El Frijole de Benito, about a cat who plants a bean plant and waits and waits for it to grow. We then each planted our own bean in a jar, which we will observe to see how/if they grow and will later transplant into pots to take home (If they grow!).Benito
paper towels and water in jars

putting in the water and the bean

jars of beans


stories from the week
We took out the parachute for some fun games, and the children chose to fly Henrietta off the parachute five times, then play the Crocodile game, where the crocodile swims under the parachute and eats someone by grabbing their foot. That person then trades places to become the crocodile to go eat someone else. To end they chose to play the slipper game, where they place all their slippers under the parachute then a student calls two names, and those two children run under the parachute, locate and put on their slippers, then race back out.Henrietta does a head stand
Henrietta flies off

flying Henrietta

watch out for the crocodile!
Who is going to get eaten next?For Friday science we read Because of an Acorn and Trees are Plants. We pulled down the plant cuttings we placed in water several months ago – the control with water, nutrients, air, and sunlight, one without air, one without water, one without nutrients, and one without sunlight. We observed that the plants without water and sunlight died. The plant that was supposed to be without air wasn’t truly without air, because we couldn’t make the jar air tight, so it was actually doing very well. We observed that the plant that had everything it needed was the biggest and greenest, and the one that had everything except nutrients was a bit smaller and lighter in color. We then examined a variety of parts of plants and decided which part(s) they were – branches, bark, trunk, leaves, fruit, seeds, roots, or stem. Some were more than one part of the tree, such as trunk and bark, or branch and leaves, and some were more parts – roots, stem, leaves and blossom. The children had fun observing the various tree and plant parts with their hands, eyes, and noses.plants die without water, sunlight, or air
plant parts
