The first snow fell this week! Although it was just a dusting, everyone was excited to see it and “play” with it.
Monday students were introduced to drawing with chalk dipped in water, which they observed made it darker and smoother. They created some vibrant pictures! Students continued to use this technique throughout the week.
We continued to work on our map of the town, adding Colonel Town Community Center, Dance Images, Shipee Eye Care, Rite Aid, and Cones n More.
Tuesday was the day for the making of Stone Soup (which did not actually contain any stones). The children worked with Tammy all day, washing, peeling, and chopping the potatoes, carrots, celery, green beans, tomatoes, and onion. They really enjoyed working together to prepare for our meal on Wednesday.
We talked about Thanksgiving and read one more version of Stone Soup. We also read The Book With No Pictures by B.J. Novak, which was wildly popular, with many requests for repeat readings, so we read it again on Wednesday. We also read Turkey Trouble by Wendi Silvano, about a turkey who dresses up like different farm animals so the farmer cannot find and eat him for Thanksgiving.
Wednesday was stone soup day. The scent of the soup wafted into the classroom, making everyone hungry. We sat together and everyone used their Thankful placemats to set their soup on. Almost everyone tried it, and several were surprised by how much they liked it despite being quite sure that they did not. Thank you to everyone for sending in ingredients to make a most delicious soup!