Sunnybrook Montessori School

Montessori preschool & kindergarten in New Hampshire's North Country

September 27, 2019
by admin

Fall Fun

The first week of fall gave us some fabulous puddles, a few trees with colorful leaves, plenty of itchy fuzzy caterpillars, loads of tiny crab apples for apple soup, and a new slide left outside our fence.  The students scrubbed … Continue reading

September 20, 2019
by admin

Me, Myself, and I

The last week of summer was preparing to put on its’ fall coat for the arrival of cooler temperatures and colorful leaves. Hunters were on the lookout for caterpillars. Work crews were hauling huge loads of rocks for crushing. Monday … Continue reading

September 13, 2019
by admin


Apple soup, leaf and sand stew, and mud pies have been featured dishes in the mud kitchen as the chefs experiment with local ingredients.  Children took turns donning helmets and riding the two-wheel bikes with training wheels.  We have been … Continue reading

September 7, 2019
by admin


The first week of school is off to a great start!  In the busyness of our beginning, the camera did not make it out much, so I apologize if we missed photos of your child this week. The sunshine brought … Continue reading