Sunnybrook Montessori School

Montessori preschool & kindergarten in New Hampshire's North Country

March 13, 2020
by admin


The snow continued to melt away aided by the sun, rain, and warm winds.  It made for lots of great water play!  We dug trenches, scooped up ice, snow, and water, mixed up soups and cakes for birthday celebrations, and … Continue reading

March 8, 2020
by admin


As the days lengthen, the temperatures are gradually warming. Combined with the beautifully sunny days this week, it was the perfect recipe for the start of snow melting, our favorite part of the year! We began digging a trench to … Continue reading

February 21, 2020
by admin

When the Cold Winds Blow

Shoveling, scooping, pouring, dumping, digging, chopping, baking, celebrating, wishing, blowing, serving, chomping, hiding, spying, chasing, running, racing, piling, pushing, pulling, sliding, sledding, climbing, jumping, kicking, throwing, passing, pretending Shaving cream, glue, liquid water colors, hands, and paper made for some … Continue reading