Sunnybrook Montessori School

Montessori preschool & kindergarten in New Hampshire's North Country

October 23, 2020
by admin


Our exploration of habitats continued. For art Monday students created habitats in shoeboxes using natural items such as dirt, moss, sticks, rocks, leaves, etc.  Students got very creative with their materials and ideas. They each chose one animal to create … Continue reading

October 16, 2020
by admin

Land, Air, Water

Missing Monday made this week feel extra short! Halloween is on the way, so we have been singing some Halloween themed songs and chants. We are enjoying “5 Little Pumpkins,” “Stirring our Brew,” and “The Ghost of John” (who is … Continue reading

October 9, 2020
by admin


The artist Andy Goldsworthy creates art in and from nature. Using leaves, icicles, sticks, stones, water, etc. he forms structures and patterns of symmetry and beauty. The students collected natural items or used some already gathered items and created their … Continue reading

October 3, 2020
by admin

Falling Leaves

Monday students were introduced to the artist Frida Khalo, who is famous for the many self portraits she painted. We observed several of her tamer self portraits and noticed that she painted herself realistically, and we discussed how we could … Continue reading