Sunnybrook Montessori School

Montessori preschool & kindergarten in New Hampshire's North Country

November 20, 2020
by admin


Using black pastels and blue, purple, orange, and yellow liquid watercolors, Monday students created beautiful sunset pictures on mat board. We read through the story the Sunnybrook students wrote, titled Woodland Stone Soup, and each child chose a page to … Continue reading

November 6, 2020
by admin


On Monday we read Swatch, the Girl Who Loved Color before using lots of bright paints to fill in our black circle outlines in the style of Wassily Kandinsky. They are truly beautiful works of art! The cold temperatures brought … Continue reading

October 31, 2020
by admin

Round and Round

The abstract artist Wassily Kandinsky is probably most well known for his painting Squares with Concentric Circles, which along with his Several Circles inspired our art for the week. The children used various sized circles dipped in black paint to … Continue reading