We arrived at school to a lovely sign from one of the families expressing appreciation for the Sunnybrook teachers. Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness, Paschal family! This sign set of a slew of appreciation projects enthusiastically orchestrated by the children. Thank you for all the cards, flowers, gifts, and most of all the kind words and pictures. We are grateful to spend our days with your children and have you all as such amazingly supportive families. Thank you!
Children coated large newsprint paper with liquid cornstarch then placed a second piece over it. After smoothing the two pieces together they turned into ghosts as we placed it over their heads. They turned back into children, now wearing hats, when the edges were rolled up into brims. When their hats dried and stiffened some of the children added tissue paper to make them colorful.
We signed and sang the alphabet with Rose, learned several insect signs, including caterpillar, butterfly, and mosquito, read the Gerald and Piggie story and sang Tingalayo with a new verse about hunting and fishing.
The children worked together to make a list of all the things that we know about bees. They then listed all the questions that they wanted to answer about bees. We read quite a few books and watched a couple of videos to get our questions answered, and will continue researching and recording what we learn over the next few weeks.
Henrietta and Wolfgang visited. Henrietta shared some kind friend actions that Wolfgang and Tucker Turtle did that helped her feel included and valued, such as sharing with her, noticing and commenting about her drawing, and inviting her to play. The children then shared some kind friend acts that friends or siblings did both at school and home, and we recorded them on a slip of paper, rolled it into a loop, and started our paper chain of safe, kind, respectful, and responsible acts.
Kindergarten students continued work tracing, coloring, and pin punching continents for their continent maps. They practiced counting by fives and did some nickel addition. Finally they got started on their research for the end of year presentation on bees, both deciding what information they wanted to learn and present, and how they would do that – with a poster, puppet, performance, song, 3D model, etc. They then began carefully working on their presentations.
During Friday science we discussed the five senses and learned about the eye and how it works. We played “I Spy with my little eye,” and the person to guess what the describer saw got to go next. We spied a colorful fish high in the sky, some golden daffodils, a pink barrette, a friend, and several other items in the classroom and out the windows.