Sunnybrook Montessori School

Montessori preschool & kindergarten in New Hampshire's North Country

First Week

taking the trainWe had a fun first week at Sunnybrook!  It was great to see all of our returning friends again and to welcome new friends.  Everyone quickly got into the routine and had fun exploring the classroom.  The arrangement is new for everyone, but is working very well.  We are quite thrilled with our new shelves!  Thank you Zack Colby! three little monkeys, climbing up a treeThe summer weather was still going strong and we enjoyed running, digging, jumping, taking train trips, and swimming around trying to get away from the crocodiles before racing and jumping back onto the boat.
lining up to jump into the sand boxAt the art table the children used many bright colors to paint a large branch.  Many children returned several times to add extra layers.  By the end of the week it was quite colorful and it now brightens up our classroom atop the shelves. painting the stickadding colorThe sensory table was filled with water.  The children enjoyed squirting, scooping, pouring, and stirring it up.  When there was a spill, they used the towels to clean it up so no one would slip. water tablecleaning up the spillsThe magnatiles and the farm were very popular as we began to gradually introduce the classroom and materials to new students and the returning students became familiar with the new set up. magnatiles with friendsSee this horse?towers and animal homesbig broThe dramatic play area, which is a new addition this year, has started out as a home.  The children were busy cooking, serving, cleaning, taking phone calls, baking cookies, making food deliveries, and scooping up ice cream.  This area will change throughout the year, inviting lots of social and imaginative role play activities. cookingWe spent our group times discussing the classroom expectations of safety and kindness, and the children all shared what this means and how we do this.  We learned how to introduce ourselves to a new acquaintance and everyone had an opportunity to practice.  We discussed nick names, what they are, and how some people have them and others do not.  We read the story, My Name is Elizabeth, about a little girl who prefers to be called by her full name and has to ask everyone who shortens her name to call her Elizabeth rather than Betsy, Liz, Beth, or Lizzy.
yellow, red, orangeart with lettersacorn transfer with tongsthe nesting dolllocksrock transfer with a spoonplay doughafternoon playdough timewhere is the baby?three balls of claygeo boardVery Hungry Caterpillar puzzlelots of little pieceslocks and clayhanging out in the new Quiet Housewhere do these animals live?cuttingart & practical lifeafternoon quiet timerolling, patting, pokingFor Friday Science the students were introduced to land, air, and water. We passed the sandpaper globe around and everyone had an opportunity to feel the smooth blue water and the rough tan sandpaper land parts. We then looked at the earth, water, and air jars each containing, respectively, soil and rocks, water, and air. We then took a basket of animals and decided how they travel – through the air, over the land, or in the water, and placed each animal on the picture that represented their travel areas. We discovered that some animals used more than one.
Sandpaper-Globeland, air, waterSongs we sang:


Way Up High in the Apple Tree

Jump Jim Joe

Hickety, Pickety, Bumblebee – a name introducing song

Stories we read – during circle time, afternoon quiet time, and morning work time stories with Caseyafternoon reading

Can I Play Too? by, Mo Willems

From Head to Toe by, Eric Carle

I’d Really Like to Eat a Child by, Sylviane Donnio

Silly Sally, by Audrey Wood

A Beginner’s Guide to Bearspotting by, Michelle Robinson

We Are All Alike, We Are All Different by, Cheltenham Elementary Kindergarteners

The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry, and the Big Hungry Bear by, Don & Audrey Wood

Piggies by Don & Audrey Wood

Whose Mouse Are You? by, Robert Kraus


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